In his weekly From the desk of the President column, President Cyril Ramaphosa opinioned yesterday, “Youth Day is a reminder of the immense power and agency that young people have to create a better future for themselves.” Moreover, Ramaphosa added that youth is the greatest weapon in the fight for economic recovery. Read
While the government is optimistic about youth development, there remains a great concern for unemployment in South Africa. “All plans and nothing to show for it”, writes Jan Gerber for News24. Unemployment amongst the youth is at a staggering 63.3% for 15 to 24-year-olds and 41.3% for 25 to 34-year-olds. Read
And while youth unemployment remains high, the question is what are young jobless South Africans really up to? “I found that livelihoods included running car wash ventures, fixing people’s cars as informal mechanics, and renting back rooms or shacks. Other activities included wiring illegal electricity connections for a fee and street-side gambling” writes The Citizen. The majority of young South Africans long for a stable economy, sector jobs and social mobility. Read
Here’s a look at the other opinions online today.
Confessions of a white South African on Youth Day in 2021 – Daily Maverick
‘Disturbing’: – 40% of SA’ Gen Zs don’t know about June 16 – EWN
Soweto uprising: An unintended lesson of 1976 – Times Live