Today in History: 29 March

March 29 (Reuters) – Following are some of the major events to have occurred on March 29:

1927 – Sunbeam 1000hp breaks land speed record in Florida.

1947 – Malagasy uprising in Madagascar.

1951 – Julius and Ethel Rosenberg convicted of passing wartime atomic secrets to Russia.

1991 – Iraqi news agency says Saddam Hussein’s troops capture Irbil.

1995 – Fire destroys New York’s historic Fulton Street Fish Market.

1998 – Rome marathon route passes St. Peter’s Square for first time.

1998 – Anni Friesinger of Germany sets new speed skating world record in 1,500m.

2001 – Largest exhibition of diamonds opens in Paris.

2013 – Dar es Salaam building collapses.

2014 – First same-sex marriages performed in England and Wales.

2017 – Britain triggers Article 50 to leave European Union.

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