Ramaphosa to cut short overseas visit to deal with power woes

After moving to stage 6 load shedding on Sunday morning, Andre de Ruyter, informed the media that stage 6 power interruptions were unavoidable.

According to EWN, Ramaphosa is now attending the burial of the United Kingdom’s Queen Elizabeth II. As soon as the burial is over, he will go back to South Africa and refuse his invitation to the UN General Assembly.

Stage 6 to remain until sufficient generation units return to service – EWN 

Eskom said on Tuesday it will continue to implement rolling blackouts as it ramps up to stage 6, which means the utility has removed 2,000 megawatts of power from the grid.

‘Whatever policy is in place doesn’t work’: Industry loses hope as Eskom load-sheds at stage 6 – TimesLIVE

SA Chamber of Commerce and Industry president Mtho Xulu says Eskom’s stage 6 load-shedding means many businesses cannot operate.

Eskom load shedding chaos: ‘We are more than just gatvol. We are pissed off’ – News24 (for subscribers)

Load shedding has had a terrible effect on South Africans and business owners’ morale. The agony of load shedding stage 6 is being felt by all South Africans.

Triple-blow for South Africa this week – Business Tech

South Africa’s economy faces severe headwinds in the coming weeks as load shedding intensifies, unions threaten to shut down industries, and the Reserve Bank looks set to hike interest rates.

Presidency stays silent on Energy Action Plan while South Africans kept in the dark – Daily Maverick 

While President Cyril Ramaphosa is in the UK meeting with royalty and other heads of state, South African businesses and homes are, for the second time this year, forced to sit still and be quiet for long periods of time. This is because Eskom has increased the power cuts to Stage 6 and is trying to avoid going to Stage 8. 

Image credit: Pixabay

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