Taylor Swift’s ‘Anti-Hero’ Video Edited to Remove ‘Fat’ Reference Following Online Criticism

Taylor Swift’s music video “Anti-Hero” from the album “Midnights” has been edited to remove a scene in which she steps on a bathroom scale displaying the word “fat.” Variety confirms that the music video on Apple Music no longer depicts the scale; rather, Swift’s anti-hero clone simply looks at her with a disappointed expression. Internet users are divided over the scene because it implies that being fat is bad. (Variety)

Taylor Swift has asked an important question: do we all want to be sexy babies?

Taylor Swift’s song “Anti-Hero” invites listeners into the complexities of her mind, allowing them to see themselves in there as well. Olivia Petter argues that vulnerability is associated with success for the singer, and it’s no surprise that “Anti-Hero” quickly became a fan favourite on Midnights. Swift explores what it means to be constantly scrutinised – not just by others, but also by yourself – in the song, and how exhausting it can be to constantly police one’s actions and appearances, the Independent reports. The track’s takeaway is that it’s okay to be contradictory and make mistakes. (Independent)

Taylor Swift, Fatphobia, and Me

Taylor Swift may experience the concept of being “fat” as an “intrusive thought” or a “nightmare” — a valid experience that many individuals of all sizes can relate to. In reality, she has never existed in a “fat” body. Olivia Wong argues that Swift may struggle with a sense of being overweight, but she is a “thin white woman who has benefited from her thinness”. Wong pens that the “fat” scene in the Anti-Hero music video is harmful to her not only because it reinforces the notion that being “fat” is undesirable, but also because the word “fat” is a trigger for many individuals who exist in these bodies. The article further states that perhaps Swift did not intend to be fatphobic or send a message to her overweight fans that their bodies are her worst nightmare. “But are we expected to believe that the woman who leaves math clues in her track lists didn’t carefully construct every aspect of the video she wrote and directed and couldn’t think of a better, less triggering word?” (The Cut)

We’d love to hear your thoughts. What do you think of the Anti-Hero music video?

Image credit: Anti-Hero Music Video

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