Nicole Koopman is determined to help every woman feel safe in South Africa

Image: KeyChain South Africa

BY Nkosazana Ngwadla

Let’s face it, living as a woman in South Africa is a risk – we live in constant fear for our lives. The rape statistics, compared to the rest of the world, are alarmingly high, and increasingly so.

Crimes against women and children, whether at the hands of strangers or close friends and relatives, are constantly reported on, but very little action is taken.

Women have had to take matters of their safety into their own hands, and Johannesburg woman, Nicole Koopman, is passionate about equipping women with the necessary tips and tools to avoid being victims of these violent crimes.

Nicole’s business, KeyChain South Africa, sells keychains that are designed to be discreet and easy to carry, while also providing an effective means of self-defense in the event of an attack.

Whether you’re walking to your car at night or traveling to unfamiliar places, the keychains are there to help you feel safe and secure.

KeyChainSA is committed to providing top-quality products at affordable prices. The keychains are made from durable materials and have been rigorously tested to ensure that they are effective in protecting you from harm.

The company offers a wide variety of self-defense keychains to suit the needs and preferences of all women. From traditional keychain designs to modern and stylish options, there’s something for everyone.

As a mother of a young girl herself, Nicole is dedicated to creating a safe environment and future for her daughter. “I knew I had to take action to provide my family and others with a sense of safety and peace of mind. This led me to start Keychain SA in November 2022,” she writes on her website.

We still have a long way to go, but it’s people like Nicole, who help the everyday woman prioritize their safety, and precautionary measures to ensure there’s one less victim every day.

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