5 Things we love about Dr Sandile Qwabe

Image: Tik Tok

BY Nkosazana Ngwadla

If you’ve spent some time on Twitter lately, you will be familiar with Dr. Sandile Qwabe who has been trending for his bubbly personality and funny videos of Tik Tok. Although some tweeps have had a few complaints about how he conducts himself on social media, the Health Professions Council of SA says it does not control doctors’ dress codes or their lifestyles.

It is easy to judge and criticize others when you’re scrolling on your phone, but The Fuse: Stories from South Africa is passionate about highlighting the extraordinary things that the most ordinary people do, inspiring us and so many others in this country and beyond.

Dr Qwabe is one such person – an inspirational doctor who gives his patients the best possible care and inspires and entertains his colleagues.

Here are 5 things we absolutely love about the good doctor:

  1. He passionate about educating himself – on top of his medical degree, Dr. Sandile Qwabe also holds an engineering degree.

2. He’s a hands-on, fun dad!

3. He’s a devoted husband

4. He celebrates his wins

5. Everyone who has ever worked with him only has good things to say about him and his work ethic.

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