Celeste Stewart on the importance of encouraging curiosity

Image: Supplied

BY Nkosazana Ngwadla

Think back to your younger years in primary school, remember how often you heard the phrase “curiosity killed the cat” when you had questions about something? Children are almost always discouraged from being curious, but imagine if our curiosity was not only encouraged, but supported instead. What if curiosity didn’t actually kill the cat, but made it wiser?

Cape Town woman, Celeste Stewart recalls always being the curious child in school and at home. “I was also quite the entertainer,” she giggles. “I remember putting on shows for my family, and always having a larger-than-life type of personality. But more than anything, I was always asking questions and expressing my curiosity boldly,” she adds.

Which makes sense then, why after many years working in Human Resources, Celeste started her won company and called it Bold Curiosity.

Bold Curiosity is a leadership development consultancy with over 20 years of experience in the field. They understand adult learning and are driven to making an impact by supporting organisations with the right learning solutions. Partnerships are essential to Bold Curiosity as they are a relationship-driven organisation. Their mantra is “meaningful learning experiences” and this is the heart of everything they do.

Boasting a number of clients under their belt, including big companies such as Media24, Clicks, PSG and many other legendary brands, Celeste’s vision of curiosity not being labeled a negative aspect of learning and thinking is certainly coming to life.

“I believe people have the potential to be absolutely amazing. If I had listened to a teacher at school, I would never have gone to university, never risen to a leadership position and never started my own business. Was that drive always inside of me? Absolutely! But words are incredibly powerful, and I’ve recognised that on my own journey. And so, unlike my high school teacher, I’ve decided to be very deliberate about giving people a sense of hope and excitement through the work I do,” Celeste concluded.

March 14 officially marks International Ask A Question Day, and what better day to encourage curiosity than today! And in the words of this phenomenal businesswoman, Celeste, “The confidence to ask a question begins with you! Give yourself permission to ask those questions you’re keen to explore in the workplace and beyond.”

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