POLL | Are you content with the progress in the AKA murder case?

According to Times Live, police have made significant progress in the murder investigation of rapper Kiernan “AKA” Forbes and his friend, Tebello Tibz Motsoane. The police commissioner announced that they have located the firearm used to kill AKA and identified various vehicles used in the crime, including getaway cars and spotters.

Law enforcement has their sights on several individuals in connection with the case and plans to consult with the National Prosecuting Authority for questioning. Reports about the discovery of the murder weapon had circulated in May but were initially denied by the police, who called them unsubstantiated and malicious.

The killings occurred outside a Durban restaurant in February, with CCTV footage capturing the gunman approaching AKA and firing at point-blank range. AKA had just finished dinner and was about to perform at a nightclub for his birthday celebration.

Source: Times Live

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