Gauteng Growth Development Agency empowers creativity and entrepreneurship

BY Nkosazana Ngwadla

The Gauteng Growth Development Agency (GGDA), the dedicated implementation arm of the Gauteng Department of Economic Development, continues to play a pivotal role in fostering sustainable job creation, inclusive economic growth, and development in the Gauteng City Region.

Through strategic partnerships and ecosystem-building initiatives, GGDA has consistently championed economic development and competitiveness in Gauteng. GGDA recognises the critical role of the creative industry and entrepreneurial endeavours in shaping the economic landscape of the province and South Africa as a whole. With an unwavering commitment to empowering creative talents and entrepreneurs.

Gauteng’s creative industry and entrepreneurial community have been a beacon of innovation, constantly driving economic transformation. GGDA’s support programs are designed to invigorate this ecosystem further, providing essential information, mentorship, and access to financial support provided by various partners to emerging businesses, startups, and creative projects.

In implementing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), Afreximbank has highlighted the potential impact that could be realised through this sector in growing the economy of Africa.
“GGDA is committed to the sustainable economic development of Gauteng, and we recognise the pivotal role that creative industries and entrepreneurial endeavours play in our province’s growth trajectory,” stated Saki Zamxaka, Acting Group CEO at the GGDA.

“Our strategic partnerships with DFIs and Multilateral financiers provide various support mechanisms designed to empower these critical sectors with the resources and support they need to thrive and contribute to our region’s economic prosperity.”

GGDA is thrilled to highlight the economic spin-off that could be derived from the creative sector. This
campaign, provided through a social media roadshow, shines a spotlight on creatives who are not only
expressing their artistic talents but also sustaining themselves through entrepreneurship.

It celebrates those who exemplify the fusion of art and business.

Image: Instagram

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