Pensioners launch NPO in Despatch

BY Nkosazana Ngwadla

When friends Lumka Luke-Jafta, Nomvuyo Ntshinka, Vuyelwa Mzizi and Kholeka Pemba became pensioners, they did not want to spend the rest of their days wasting away, so they decided to do something that would enrich their community.

The group then formed a non-profit organisation, Sabe and Hlubi NPO a year ago, that is aimed at assisting the Despatch community and surrounding areas with not only daily meals, but with clothes and upskilling for better employment opportunities.

“We realise that to help someone have a brighter future, you first need to deal with their immediate challenge, which in this case is hunger. So, we prepare one meal a day for people so that they are able to think clearly,” Jafta said.

“Thereafter, we will embark on other services that will equip people with the necessary skills to start their own businesses and find jobs,” she continued.

The organisation has five beneficiaries, including two day care centres, one primary school, one clinic and homeless people on the streets. One of the primary schools has allowed the Sabe and Hlubi team to use a part of their land to plant the vegetables they use to prepare the meals. Vuyelwa Mzizi, the treasurer explains, “We cook for children, the people on the streets and the sick people who stand in long queues at the clinics, most of the time with nothing to eat. The school, Nomathamsanqa has given us a little land to plant food, but we need a much larger space, as well as equipment to farm,” she said.

Like any other project, the organisation is not without its challenges; sometimes the group of pensioners have to face people who abuse different substances in the queues of people waiting to be fed.

“They fight and sometimes it gets really bad. We want to help but they need professional help. That is a service we plan to provide in the near future,” Nomvuyo Ntshinka, the deputy chairperson said.

“There’s so much more we want to do to help, but we need help. And not only financial help, but time, materials, land and services as well,” the secretary, KamvaElihle Ntshinka concluded.

Image: Supplied

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