South Africa’s new women-led political party, Citizens 4 Change (C4C)

BY Nkosazana Ngwadla

Citizens 4 Change is a new, female-led political party that will be contesting the South African 2024 National and Provincial Elections.

What sets the party apart, according to its leadership, is that government, to them, is not about power but serving by building families, neighbourhoods, communities and the nation. As the name says, they are all about citizens taking charge of their destiny and changing their own country.

The party’s President and Founder, Dudu Ngcobo Letseli is a distinguished professional with a wealth of experience in executive management, spanning over 25 years. Born in Saulsville, Pretoria, she embarked on her academic journey with primary school in Pretoria, secondary education in Osizweni – Newcastle, and High school in Butterworth, Transkei.

She earned her Teacher’s Diploma from the University of Transkei and furthered her education with a BSc Degree in Public Relations at Andrews University in Michigan, USA. Her commitment to excellence is evident in her core values, which include integrity, honesty, diligence, responsiveness, hard work, loyalty, and unwavering commitment.

Demonstrating exceptional negotiation and mediation skills, Letseli has actively contributed to the initiation of numerous humanitarian programs, both in her personal capacity and within the organizations she has served.

With a deep-seated concern for the challenges faced by South Africans, Letseli is not merely an observer but a proactive citizen determined to bring about positive change. Her dedication to the betterment of the country is driven by a genuine desire for liberation and hope.

“We, together with all South African Citizens, need to ensure that we work hard to build each other, to
fight and eradicate the state of depression and hopelessness that we find ourselves in,” Letseli says.

Image: Supplied

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