Today in History: 1 February

Feb 1 (Reuters) – Following are some of the major events to have occurred on February 1:

1908 – King Carlos I of Portugal was assassinated together with his son in Lisbon.

1946 – Norwegian statesman Trygve Lie was elected the first secretary-general of the United Nations.

1987 – American singer James Brown visits Western Wall in Jerusalem during concert tour.

1992 – U.S. President George Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed the Camp David declaration stating that their countries no longer regarded each other as adversaries.

2003 – The space shuttle Columbia, broke up over Texas on re-entering atmosphere at end of their almost 16-day flight killing all seven astronauts including the first Israeli.

2004 – Hundreds killed in Haj pilgrimage stampede.

2009 – Patriarch Kirill, the new leader of the world’s 160 million Russian Orthodox, pledges at his enthronement to keep his church united, recruit the young and open up to dialogue with “sister churches”.

2009 – Johanna Sigurdardottir forms government, making her Finland’s first female prime minister and the world’s first openly gay head of government

2012 – Dozens killed in soccer clashes at Egypt’s Port Said stadium.

2013 – London’s Shard, western Europe’s tallest building, opens to public.

2018 – Jailed Catalan independence leaders lodge case with United Nations.

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

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