Boniswa Matiwane on embracing change

BY Boniswa Matiwane

Every so often, if you’re lucky, you are blessed with a fantastic opportunity. Now that opportunity doesn’t always present itself as an one because opportunity conjures images of newness, possibility, growth – it generally makes you feel excited!

Recently my time at the Gordon Institute of Business Science’s Entrepreneurship Development Academy came to an end – after just nine months. I remember my first day as if it were yesterday; excitement, trepidation, nerves – it felt like the first day of school. Thato Ntshona my manager started my time at the EDA with two simple pieces of advice, “Add value and take up space” – little did I know that those words would be the foundation of my time at the EDA. Thato showed me, no, taught me what leadership is all about.

When Thato left after two months, I sensed the fire, felt the heat … my baptism of fire was starting. I found myself pushed into spaces I’ve never occupied before, been perplexed by problems I’ve never experienced before, pushed to the limits and then realising that beyond the limits are the opportunities, beyond the safe spaces are the learnings, and beyond the complex problems are the growths.

In nine short months, the EDA has blessed me with learnings most people only achieve in two to five years of working. I have learnt so much about the professional space I occupy, learnt so much about leadership, team dynamics and most importantly, I have learnt so much about myself.

Thank you to the amazing team within the EDA – working together has been pleasure of my life thus far, our short time together has been some of the best times of my life. Thank you to extended GIBS Family, whose support was instrumental to our many successes.

Thank you to the amazing entrepreneurs I have met along the way, inspiration lives within you, and I feel honoured to have tapped into it. Thank you to Wingman Communications, the EDA’s communications partner, who captured my highlights over the past nine months.

Image: LinkedIn

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