AFP Video

President Tsai Ing-wen shoulders a Taiwan-made bazooka

Taoyuan (Taiwan) (AFP) – Republic of China President Tsai Ing-wen shoulders a Taiwan-made rocket launcher on a morale-boosting tour for soldiers on guard during the Dragon Boat holiday season. The democratic island’s leader regularly visits her troops amid a heightened threat of Chinese invasion, with Beijing claiming sovereignty over a territory it considers as one of its provinces.


Russia claims it killed hundreds of foreign ‘mercenaries’ in Ukraine

Unknown (AFP) – Moscow claims that it has managed to stem the arrival of foreign “mercenaries” in Ukraine over the past month and that it has killed “hundreds” of them. Most of them died “due to their low level of training and lack of real combat experience”, according to Russian Defence Ministry spokesperson Igor Konashenkov.


The Arctic’s tricky quest for sustainable tourism

Longyearbyen (AFP) – Pristine, untouched Svalbard is faced with a problem. The archipelago is reliant on tourism – yet with its glaciers melting, how long can it depend on ultra-polluting cruise vessels for transport and coal for its energy?


China ‘firmly opposes’ US-Taiwan trade talks

Beijing (AFP) – China says it “firmly opposes” trade talks between the United States and Taiwan after Taipei and Washington announced the launch of a new initiative to deepen economic ties. “The US’s insistence on playing the Taiwan card will only put China-US relations in a dangerous situation,” says Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian.


Gigantic Peruvian cemetery fumigated for dengue fever

Lima (AFP) – Health brigades spray one of South America’s largest cemeteries in Lima to eradicate the dengue-transmitting mosquito and collect larvae in an attempt to control a new outbreak of the endemic disease in Peru, which has killed about 30 people this year.


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