
Black Women’s Equal Pay Day Highlights Gender, Racial Pay Gap

Black women, on average, are paid just 63 cents for every dollar made by their non-hispanic male counterparts. August 3 is Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, marking when Black women earn the amount made by their white, male counterparts the previous December. Bloomberg’s Jennifer Zabasajja reports on “Quicktake Charge.” (Source: Bloomberg)

Gen Z Expands Game Platform Influence From Gaming to Vaccines

Enthusiast CEO Adrian Montgomery and Luminosity Gaming streamer Tori Pareno discuss how gaming is helping companies expand their audience across various forms of media and helping to raise awareness on Covid-19 vaccines for younger people. They speak with Jennifer Zabasajja on “Quicktake Charge.” (Source: Bloomberg)

How Virtual Reality Is About to Revolutionize Healthcare SHORT

Over the past 30 years, virtual reality in the healthcare space has evolved from a radical research topic to a powerful clinical tool. Proponents contend VR can help doctors and mental health professionals reach under-served populations while providing assessments and interventions that weren’t previously possible. VR is already proving invaluable as a therapeutic strategy for people coping with issues ranging from PTSD to chronic pain.

Spotlighting Athletes’ Mental Health

At the Tokyo Olympics, mental health has been in the spotlight as more of the world’s top athletes speak out. Dr. Jarrod Spencer, who works with several professional teams and college athletes, says the pandemic has been a major factor but “we’ve long known we’re not doing enough for mental health.” Dr. Spencer talks to Quicktake’s Kurumi Mori.

Olympic Diversity in Japan

Athletes are helping Japan embrace its biracial citizens in one of the the world’s most racially homogeneous countries. Bloomberg’s Kurumi Mori speaks with Taro Daniel, one of several multicultural athletes representing Japan in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics

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