South African babies of Tik Tok that made our ovaries scream in 2022

BY Nkosazana Ngwadla

If you don’t have any children, these babies probably made you consider starting a family of your own, or if you have older children, these babies might’ve made you think of adding just one more. Either way, they’re the cutest little munchkins you’ll see on South African Tik Tok.

  1. If you’re a regular on Tik Tok, you must have come across mischevious little baby Una who is strong and always up to something!

2. Baby Daniel, or “Danxaza” as his nanny affectionately calls him, takes no days off! Even in his Christmas hat, Danxaza will always have a broom in hand, ready to clean up a storm!

3. Lulu’s love for her dad and food can’t go unnoticed! She’s the sweetest, cutest little baby girl. How she demolishes her parents’ food is hilarious!

  1. No baby is as unphased about anything like baby Mohumi – his mother might suffer here and there because of his….curiosity, though!
5. Baby Cyus is so adorable, and his cousin is hilarious!