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How Virtual Reality Is About to Revolutionize Healthcare SHORT

Over the past 30 years, virtual reality in the healthcare space has evolved from a radical research topic to a powerful clinical tool. Proponents contend VR can help doctors and mental health professionals reach under-served populations while providing assessments and interventions that weren’t previously possible. VR is already proving invaluable as a therapeutic strategy for people coping with issues ranging from PTSD to chronic pain.

How Virtual Reality Is About to Revolutionize Healthcare

Over the past 30 years, virtual reality in the healthcare space has evolved from a radical research topic to a powerful clinical tool. Proponents contend VR can help doctors and mental health professionals reach under-served populations while providing assessments and interventions that weren’t previously possible. VR is already proving invaluable as a therapeutic strategy for people coping with issues ranging from PTSD to chronic pain. (Source: Bloomberg)

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