Today in History

Today in History: 16 December

Dec 16 (Reuters) – Following are some of the major events to have occurred on December 16:

1921 – Camille Saint-Saens, French composer, died. Among his best-known works are his Symphony No 3 and the opera “Samson and Delilah”.

1960 – A United Airlines DC-8 and a TWA Super Constellation collided in mid-air over New York City; 128 people aboard the planes and eight on the ground were killed.

1965 – W. Somerset Maugham, English writer, died. Best known for his novels “Of Human Bondage” and “The Moon and Sixpence”.

1995 – Israel’s army pulled out of Qalqilya, the fourth of six West Bank towns being transferred to Palestinian self-rule by the end of that year under a peace deal.

1996 – A South Korean appeals court commuted the death sentence on ex-President Chun Doo Hwan to life imprisonment.

2000 – President-elect George W. Bush named retired General Colin Powell as his secretary of state, the first African-American to hold a top U.S. diplomatic post.

2002 – Former Bosnian Serb president Biljana Plavsic, once dubbed Bosnia’s “Iron Lady”, dramatically confessed to crimes against humanity at the start of a landmark hearing at The Hague to determine her sentence. She was the only woman publicly indicted in the tribunal’s nine-year history.

2011 – Jyoti Amge certified as the world’s shortest woman on her 18th birthday in the central Indian city of Nagpur.

2013 – Bus falls off an elevated expressway in Manila, killing at least 21 people.

2014 – Taliban gunmen attack Army Public School in Peshawar, Pakistan taking hundreds of students and teachers hostage.

Today in History – 15 December

Dec 15 (Reuters) – Following are some of the major events to have occurred on December 15:

1939 – The film “Gone With the Wind” had its world premiere in Atlanta.

1943 – Fats Waller, U.S. jazz pianist and composer, died. His songs include “Ain’t Misbehavin” and “Honeysuckle Rose”.

1964 – Canada’s parliament adopted a new national flag with a red maple leaf on a white background.

1966 – Walt Disney, American animator who created Mickey Mouse, died.

1973 – J. Paul Getty III was found in southern Italy after being kidnapped for five months, during which his right ear was cut off and sent to a Rome newspaper.

1996 – Sir Laurens van der Post, the South African-born writer whose book “The Lost World of the Kalahari” became a bestseller, died.

1999 – Venezuelans voted for a new constitution, endorsing President Hugo Chavez’s plans to overhaul the political and economic system.

2000 – Ukraine’s President Leonid Kuchma ordered the closure of the Chernobyl nuclear power station, site of the world’s worst nuclear accident in 1986.

2001 – Italy’s Leaning Tower of Pisa opened to the public for the first time in almost 12 years after massive efforts to reduce its tilt.

2001 – Wrapping up a two-day summit, the 15 EU leaders agreed on a political convention to chart the course of the union, adopting the Laeken Declaration on the Future of Europe.

2006 – Swiss-born former Formula One driver Clay Regazzoni was killed in a road accident in Italy. He was 67.

Today in History for December 14th

Today in History – 14 December

Dec 14 (Reuters) – Following are some of the major events to have occurred on December 14:

1911 – Roald Amundsen, Norwegian explorer, and four companions became the first men to reach the South Pole.

1918 – Women in Britain voted for the first time in a general election and were allowed to stand as candidates.

1918 – Portuguese President Sidonio Pais was fatally wounded as he entered Rossio station in Lisbon only weeks after an unsuccessful assassination attempt.

1939 – The League of Nations expelled the Soviet Union for aggression against Finland.

1947 – Stanley Baldwin, who served three terms as British prime minister, died.

1989 – Andrei Sakharov, the Soviet physicist who shunned official honour to fight the Kremlin for human rights and political freedom, died aged 68.

1995 – Leaders from former Yugoslavia signed a Bosnian peace treaty in Paris, ending Europe’s worst conflict since World War Two and opening the way for thousands of NATO troops to move into the shattered country.

2000 – Cuban President Fidel Castro met Russian President Vladimir Putin in Havana.

2004 – Inauguration of Millau viaduct, the world’s highest bridge.

2006 – A British police inquiry ruled that Princess Diana was not the victim of a murder plot when she died in a car accident in 1997.

2008 – U.S. President Bush makes an unannounced farewell visit to Baghdad, weeks before leaving office; an Iraqi reporter calls Bush a “dog” and throws his shoes at him.

Today in history: 13 December

Dec 13 (Reuters) – Following are some of the major events to have occurred on December 13:

1937 – Japanese forces captured the Chinese city of Nanking (Nanjing).

1941 – British forces retreated to Hong Kong island as the invading Japanese army took Kowloon and the New Territories.

1949 – Israel declares Jerusalem as its capital.

1967 – King Constantine of Greece and his family fled the country after a counter-coup failed to topple the military-backed government.

1995 – Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng, a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, was imprisoned for 14 years for subversive acts. He was released and went into exile in the United States in 1997.

1996 – The U.N. Security Council made official its selection of Kofi Annan of Ghana as the U.N. secretary-general to succeed Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

1997 – Giovanni Agnelli, heir to the dynasty that controlled the Italian car giant Fiat, died from cancer at the age of 33.

2001 – A group of armed men opened fire in India’s parliament complex. Nine people were killed and the five gunmen also died in the unprecedented attack.

2002 – The Pope accepted the resignation of Boston Cardinal Bernard Law, who was under pressure to quit over a scandal involving sexual abuse by clergy.

2003 – U.S. troops found former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein in a hole in the ground behind a shepherd’s hut near his home town of Tikrit.

2007 – EU treaty of Lisbon signed in the Jeronimos Monastery.

Today in History – 10 December

Dec 10 (Reuters) – Following are some of the major events to have occurred on December 10:

1902 – The original Aswan Dam, built by the British to control the Nile flood, was completed in Egypt.

1936 – Britain’s King Edward VIII officially abdicated in order to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson. His brother succeeded him as George VI.

1960 – Sweden’s King Gustav presents Nobel prizes.

1989 – Czechoslovakia’s first government without a Communist majority since 1948 assumed power and President Gustav Husak resigned.

1995 – Israeli soldiers quit the West Bank town of Tulkarm and a first contingent of PLO police moved in to Hebron as part of a handover to Palestinian rule.

1996 – President Nelson Mandela signed into law a new constitution for South Africa, legally entrenching racial equality and consigning apartheid to history’s dustbin.

1998 – The International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia sentenced a former Bosnian Croat paramilitary commander to 10 years in prison, a judgment that was the first to deal exclusively with rape as a war crime.

2000 – Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif arrived in Saudi Arabia for an indefinite exile after being released from prison by the army which overthrew him.

2002 – Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter received the Nobel Peace Prize.

2005 – U.S. comedian Richard Pryor, who helped transform comedy with biting commentary on race and often profane reflections on his own shortcomings, died. He was 65.

2013 – Uruguay became the first country to legalise the growing, sale and smoking of marijuana.

Today in history: 9 December

Dec 9 (Reuters) – Following are some of the major events to have occurred on December 9:

1917 – Turkish troops surrendered Jerusalem to British forces led by Viscount Allenby.

1961 – Tanganyika became independent within the Commonwealth, with Julius Nyerere as prime minister; the following year it became a republic.

1987 – The first riots of the intifada, or Palestinian uprising, erupted on the Gaza Strip.

1994 – The British government and Sinn Fein, the political wing of the Irish Republican Army, held their first formal talks for more than 70 years.

1996 – The United Nations authorised the start of a long-delayed “oil-for-food” deal with Iraq, enabling Baghdad to make a limited return to the world oil market for the first time since its 1990 invasion of Kuwait.

1998 – South African researchers discovered almost the entire skeleton of an ape-man estimated to be 3.6 million years old, the oldest such find anywhere in the world.

2002 – United Airlines filed for bankruptcy, the largest such case ever in the global airline industry, after high costs left the world’s No. 2 carrier with too much debt and little cash.

2005 – French socialist realist painter Boris Taslitzky, who risked death by drawing portraits on scraps of SS stationery he stole as a prisoner at a Nazi concentration camp, died. He was 94.

2005 – Southwest Airlines plane crashes through safety barrier at Chicago’s Midway Airport.

2008 – Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich arrested on corruption charges that alleged he tried to sell the U.S. Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama.

2016 – South Korea’s President Park impeached in parliamentary vote.

Today in History for December 9th

Today in History: 7 December

Dec 7 (Reuters) – Following are some of the major events to have occurred on December 7:

1916 – Herbert Asquith resigned as British prime minister and was replaced by David Lloyd George, the war secretary, with a commitment to wage all-out war on Germany.

1941 – Japanese planes attacked the U.S. Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, destroying many aircraft and ships and precipitating the U.S. declaration of war on Japan.

1965 – Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras of the Greek Orthodox Church formally annulled the excommunication pronounced on the Church of Rome in 1054.

1972 – The U.S. launched Apollo 17, the last Apollo mission, on its way to the moon.

1995 – A probe from the spacecraft Galileo successfully entered the atmosphere of the planet Jupiter.

1999 – NASA admitted that the $165 million Mars Polar Lander was almost certainly lost.

2001 – Taliban rule over its last bastion of Kandahar in southern Afghanistan ended with its forces laying down arms.

2004 – Hamid Karzai was sworn in as Afghanistan’s first popularly elected president, promising to bring peace to the war-torn nation and end the economy’s dependence on narcotics.

2005 – Fugitive Croatian General Ante Gotovina, one of the three most wanted war crimes suspects from the former Yugoslavia, was arrested in Spain.

2008 – Chefs prepare the world’s largest ceviche in Lima, Peru.

Today in History: 6 December 2021

Russian rescue workers dig through frozen debris amongst the remains of a huge military cargo plane, that crashed into an apartment block in the Siberian town of Irkutsk. | Image credit: REUTERS

Dec 6 (Reuters) – Following are some of the major events to have occurred on December 6:

1917 – The steamship Mont Blanc, carrying benzol, picric acid and 5,000 tonnes of TNT, collided with the steamship Imo at Halifax, Canada. The resulting explosion killed more than 1,500 people, injured 8,000 and destroyed a large part of the city.

1973 – Gerald Ford was sworn in as U.S. vice president after the resignation of Spiro Agnew over allegations of financial irregularities.

1992 – Hindu extremists destroyed a historically important mosque at Ayodhya, India. More than 400 people died in the resulting sectarian violence.

1994 – Prince Rainier of Monaco leaves hospital after heart surgery.

1995 – A Russian Aeroflot Tupolev-154 with 97 people on board went missing; the wreckage was eventually found on Dec. 18 about 30 miles (50 km) inland from the Tatar Strait.

1999 – Georges Rutaganda, a leader of the Hutu militia group that led the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, was convicted of genocide by a U.N. tribunal and sentenced to life imprisonment.

2001 – Anti-Taliban forces captured the main base of Osama bin Laden in the Tora Bora Mountains of eastern Afghanistan but failed to find the Saudi-born militant.

2003 – Miss Ireland, Rosanna Davison, was crowned Miss World 2003 in Communist China’s first international beauty pageant.

2005 – Luxembourg’s Charly Gaul, winner of the Tour de France in 1958 and one of cycling’s great names, died aged 72.

2005 – An Iranian military aircraft carrying dozens of journalists crashed into a Tehran apartment block and exploded, killing 116 people.

2006 – Joseph Kabila took office as Congo’s first democratically elected president in over four decades.

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